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Fronts of Coppell: Matthew Blanton

Fronts of Coppell is a Sidekick series in which executive news editor Shivi Sharma profiles a Coppell business owner to bring awareness to community-based establishments.

You may have heard his story during Coppell High School’s Virtual Adulting Day on Jan. 7 or seen his shiny white trailer cruising along Coppell streets with ‘Quick Stain’ splashed across the side. 

Quick Stain owner and Coppell High School 2007 graduate Matthew Blanton tackles the unknown with hands-on activity. After high school, he took his knack for vehicle work to the Ford Asset program offered by Dallas County Community Colleges and landed at the fabrication department at Rush Ford in Downtown Dallas. Now, he’s looking to partner with similar programs and mentor those searching for technical job experience.